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Learn To Design Shoe Poster In Photoshop 👟 Photoshop Tutorial | Easy Tricks! By A.R. ASHIK

Learn To Design Shoe Poster In Photoshop

In this tutorial, we are design a Beautiful Or Elegant Shoe Product Poster Design In Photoshop. By this video you can learn to design a shoe poster in Photoshop with easy tricks.

1st we choose a shoe image from Then we open that image in Photoshop and separate shoes from the image. Create new project in Photoshop with A4 size. Otherwise as your wish. After we create solid color background and design realistic texturing by blending mode is Vivid Light. Write a Title "Stylish Shoe Sale" in Poster. Then Create also realistic look into the title. Finally we place the Brand logo and demo text from Lorem Ipsum.

Thanks. . . . . . .

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